Step 7 Supplement Pellet

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Product Number: 12834405

Product Information

Step 7 Horse Supplement is a low inclusion balancer for horses consuming a non-complete feeds, such as oats or COB (corn, oats, barley). It is also suitable for horses on pasture, over-conditioned horses, and horses with low energy requirements.

Features and Benefits:

  • A safe, convenient option to ensure your horse is getting well supplied with essential trace minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, even if they are not consuming a lot of concentrate feeds.
  • Cost-effective way to ensure the nutritional needs of each horse.
  • Well-suited for stables offering a complete nutritional program;
  • Fortified with Trouw Nutrition’s Intellibond® and Optimin® trace minerals, pre and probiotics, biotin, full complement of B vitamins and SmartStep BeneFit Pak™ for superior digestibility, growth and performance in your horse.

Feeding Instructions:

In general, feed according to the following schedule, adjusting for size, age and overall body condition of the horse. For breed-specific recommendations, consult your veterinarian. Always ensure ample access to clean water for optimum health.



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